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What are All Season tires
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What are All Season tires

All-season tires, as the name suggests are suitable for both the cold as well as the hot months. Most of them come with tread patterns and rubber compounds that provide a fair amount of grip on the road no matter what the weather condition is. The tires can even withstand some light snow and perform really well even when the roads are slippery and wet.

With that said, even though all-season tires are designed to withstand almost all changes in the weather, they aren’t better than dedicated winter tires. So if the winter is a bit harsh and the snow is piling up, it's better to get dedicated winter tires for that certain period.

The same is also true with dedicated summer tires. Though the all-season tires may claim to withstand the hot temperatures, they won’t provide the traction and grip that dedicated tires can provide. But they still have some benefits and here’s why you should get all-season tires for your mobile:

FORTUNE all season tires

Benefits of using All-season tires

1. Provides decent traction
The tread patterns on these tires are a real boon as they provide much-needed traction for your car on wet and slippery roads. The tread pattern carefully draws away the water from its downside through the tread slots.

2. Effective in a vast temperature range
The all-season tires would make a perfect fit for those who live in places where the temperatures don’t drop or rise to the extremes. These tires are made to withstand temperatures as low as 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The tires remain flexible and perform well even when the temperatures are nearing the chilling point.

3. Has a longer lifespan
Compared to the dedicated tires range, these tires can last up to 80,000 miles. Further, these tires can be replaced when only 2/32nds of an inch of tread is left. This also means the maintenance charges are much lower than dedicated tires.

4. Can be used for almost all kinds of vehicles
Whether you drive an SUV, sedan, or minivan, these tires would be a perfect fit for all those mobiles. Further, it can easily drive on a mix of terrains like half slippery, half path with good grip.

Should you get all-season tires

All-season tires are built to provide the utmost comfort and control over road conditions. Since they can perform really well in a number of different conditions and terrain, these tires would be the best for a lot of beginners.

They perform quite well in the winter months, but their performance suffers a bit during the summer months. This won’t be noticeable for a beginner but can be easily identified by an experienced driver.

If you live in places where there are moderate temperatures and driving conditions, all-season tires are your best bet. Also, if you have a small passenger car and your main need with the car is to drive to work and around for groceries, then these tires are a great fit. On the other hand, if you are someone who likes to drive long distances, transfer between the cities and love the spirit of driving, then you might have to consider investing in good season tires.

Final Verdict

All-season tires are great for those who are new to driving and owning a car and want tires that give a good amount of control and grip on a variety of terrain. If you have a big vehicle, say a minivan, then you might not feel the control and grip over your vehicle as the manufacturers say. Further, all-season tires suffer a lot of wear and tear and therefore, have to be replaced frequently. On the other hand, dedicated tires get a break when the season changes.

Buy tires that fit your vehicle and the ones that are able to bear the weight of the person(s) inside. If you buy the wrong size, then you are going to have to frequently change the tires due to puncture.

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